2024 Public Sector Hiring Report


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For the first time since 2019, the number of open jobs decreased slightly and more people viewed and applied for public sector jobs overall. However, the number of qualified applicants per open job remains alarmingly low.

Why This Report is a Must-Read for Public Sector HR Professionals:

Insightful Data: For this report, we analyzed over 45 million public sector job applications and surveys from over 700 HR professionals and job seekers nationwide.

Key Takeaways:

  • Expand job sourcing
  • Improve job positioning
  • Enhance job appeal
  • Optimize the hiring process
  • and more!

Without immediate course correction, the long-term stability of the public sector workforce hangs in the balance. This report outlines a path forward, offering strategies to expand job sourcing, improve job positioning, enhance job appeal, and optimize the hiring process.

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